J Nights: Murder Mystery Dinner at the J!
By Amy Sams
JCC Adult Programs Coordinator
Adults at the J is hosting an intriguing evening of interactive entertainment, cocktails, buffet dinner & dessert, socializing, prizes and FUN.
Help solve the mystery of “Law & Murder” at the JCC on Sunday, April 19, 2015, from 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm. Join us for a humorous, interactive, entertaining night of fun! Without A Cue Productions, LLC, will entertain and lead our guests through an exciting murder mystery. Professionally trained actors will guide us through the mystery of “Law & Murder.”
Do you have an alibi for your whereabouts 15 minutes ago? Have your stories straight! The detectives in a small town with an even smaller budget have you pinned as their main suspect. Be involved with a line up and be questioned by these sharp-shooting detectives. A string of murders have Hunch, Claire, Jennifer and Toni on edge, and they’re taking it personally. The detectives are equipped with badges, guns and, in Claire’s case, their psychic abilities, and they’re hot on the trail! Will they be able to catch the killer in time? Or will it be too late? Perk your ears and sharpen your pencil, clues may pop up where you least suspect them.
Doors open at 5:30 p.m. for cocktails, dinner buffet , mingling and music. Act 1 of the murder mystery will begin at 6:30 p.m. An intermission will follow with time for more mingling and dessert. Act II will begin at 7:15 p.m. and at approximately8:15p.m., the murderer will be revealed and winner announced.
All adults 18 years and up are welcome. $ 60 per person, $54 for JCC members. Adult Discount price for a group of eight is $392, (all eight tickets must be purchased at one time). Student (high school/college age) Discount Group Price is $352 (all eight tickets must be purchased at one time) To register, contact the JCC at 610-435-3571, stop by the Welcome Desk or visit www.allentownjcc.org. Limited spaces available. Deadline to register is April 10th.
Be sure to check out the broad range of programs and events available for adults of all ages offered through Adults at the J. You can find details atwww.allentownjcc.org. Contact Amy Sams, Adults at the J coordinator, atasams@lvjcc.org to learn more.