
27 2014

6:00 PM KI Shabbat Under the Stars

6:00PM - 9:00PM  

Congregation Keneseth Israel 2227 W. Chew Street
Allentown, PA 18104
610 435-9074 vdunn@kiallentown.org

Contact Vikki Dunn

Join Rabbi Seth and Cantor Jenn for a Shabbat service under the Stars. Bring a potluck dinner to share at KI, then we walk across the street and enjoy services on Muhlenberg's lawn. We return to KI for a delicious, home-baked Oneg. 

RSVP to the office 610 435-9074 with the number of people attending and what you will be bringing. You may also sign up online at www.kiallentown.org. Free and open to the public.