"Play ALL Day" Mah Jongg Tournament - In loving memory of our beloved Sisterhood Member and Friend, Lisa Mishkin. All Mah Jongg Players are welcome - and PLEASE bring your Mah Jongg Friends.
RSVP a MUST! Come and play Mah Jongg with us..you are going to meet new Mah Jongg FRIENDS and have a fun-filled day!
Registration 9:30 am. We will play mah jongg promptly 10:00 am - 12:15 pm, break for a kosher lunch; then we will continue play 1:15 pm - 3:30 pm. Prizes will be awarded.
Admission - $36 Play All Day - Lunch, Snacks, Beverages and Prizes! Options available for First Time Tournament players and Morning "Fun" Play - see flyer attached. For more information, please contact Ilene Rubel at Temple Beth El, 610-435-3521 or ilene@bethelallentown.org, or call Roni Englert 610-730-3263.
Additional donations to Dana Farber Cancer Institute, may be included in your check.
RSVP A MUST !!! by October 16th. Please include your check and the tear off registration form on bottom of flyer.