
27 2013

Breast Cancer Awareness Month Event: "Susan's Undoing"

10:15AM - 12:30PM  

JCC of Allentown 702 N. 22nd Street
Allentown, PA 18104
610-435-3571 www.allentown.jcc.org

Contact Carol Kranitz
610-435-3571 x 120

In this autobiographical tour-de-force, actress/dancer Susan Chase explores her cancer journey with stunning, startling words and images that move and inspire.

"Susan’s Undoing" provides an intimate, behind-the-scenes portrait of a singular woman, a ballerina-turned-actress who battled breast cancer by turning the battle into a dance/theater piece that blends tragedy with comedy. In creating her play, Susan found the emotional healing that doctors, both medical and psychiatric, could not provide her.


Susan's performance will be followed by a panel discussion featuring physicians, experts and survivors.


Light refreshments will be served.


Free and open to the community.


To pre-register, call 610-435-3571 or visit www.allentownjcc.org.


Sponsored by the Jewish Community Center of Allentown, the Maimonides Society and Women's Division of the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley, Jewish Family Service of the Lehigh Valley and the Cancer Support Community of the Greater Lehigh Valley.