
15 2014

JCC Film Festival: 'Sholem Aleichem: Laughing in the Darkness'

7:00PM - 9:00PM  

Jewish Community Center of the Lehigh Valley 702 North 22nd St.
Allentown, PA

Contact Monica Friess

"Sholem Aleichem" is a riveting portrait of the great writer whose stories became the basis of the Broadway musical Fiddler on the Roof. "Sholem Aleichem: Laughing in the Darkness" tells the tale of the rebellious genius who created a new literary style. Using rarely seen photographs and interviews with leading experts and the author's own granddaughter, author Bel Kauffmann, the film brings to life as never before Sholem Aleichem's world and his timeless stories.

Bnai Abraham invites the community to hear Jeremy Dauber discuss his book The Words of Sholem Aleichem at the synagogue on Sunday, May 18 at 11 am. A complimentary breakfast will precede the talk at 10:30 am; an RSVP is needed to reserve a place.

Co-presented by B'nai Abraham Synagogue, the Jewish Book Council, and a generous grant from the Easton Leadership Council of the JFLV