Heavy Israeli-themed hors d'oeuvres and open bar. Buffet and bar open at 6:15 p.m.
Please join us in honoring outgoing leadership, presenting special awards and celebrating the end of the 2014 campaign year.
Thank Barry Halper for two outstanding years as president and welcome new president Mark Scoblionko.
Dr. Frank Tamarkin
George Feldman Achievement Award for Young Leadership
Dr. Bob Wilson
Kobrovsky Chairman's Award for Campaign Leadership
Vicki Glaser
Pomerantz Award for Campaign Excellence
Marylou Lordi
Schiff Award for Prejudice Reduction
Rabbi Allen Juda
Lifetime Achievement Award
Free and open to the community. Please RSVP by Thursday, June 5, 2014 to 610-821-5500, mailbox@jflv.org.