
9 2014

JFLV Maimonides Society & Technion Event 7:30 PM

7:30PM - 9:00PM  

Jewish Community Center of Allentown 702. N. 22nd St.
Allentown, PA 18104
610-435-3571 membership@lvjcc.org

Contact Judy Diamondstein

Dr. Alon Wolf, a Technion professor who invented a robotic snake that can assist with search and rescue missions, which has gotten attention from the world's top leaders, will talk about his latest advances in the medical field. Prof. Wolf is the founder and director of the Biorobotics and Biomechanics LAB (BRML) in the Technion Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. His research focuses on the fundamental theories in kinematics biomechanics, mechanism design with applications in medical/surgical robotics, rehabilitation robotics, and biorobotics. He is the founder of Medrobotics, a medical robotics company, and he teaches courses ranging from the introduction of mechanical engineering to an advanced robotics lab.