
23 2014

JFLV Maimonides Society Brunch

10:15AM - 11:45AM  

Jewish Community Center 702 North 22nd Street
Allentown, PA 18104
610-821-5500 mailbox@jflv.org

Contact Judy Diamondstein

Join Maimonides Society physicians for a discussion on a universal ailment -- back pain. Featuring:


  • Dr. Robert WilsonPain Specialists of the Greater Lehigh Valley
  • Dr. Michael RingoldProgressive Physician Associates
  • Dr. Joshua KrassenVSAS Orthopedics


Brunch is free for Maimonides Society members and spouses, $10 for community members.


RSVPs appreciated. Contact Judy Diamondstein at 610-821-5500 or judy@jflv.org to RSVP or for more information.