
23 2013

TCP/BABR Purim Schpiel - Boychicks un Meidlach

7:00PM - 8:30PM  

Temple Covenant of Peace 1451 Northamprton Street
Easton, PA 18042

Contact Temple Covenant of Peace

TCP Proudly presents the consummate Purim schpiel - Boychicks un Meidlach! We will sing and dance the Purim story through the characters and music of Guys and Dolls. In between scenes, Rabbi Stein and Rabbi Melody and friends will read the megillah in a way you've never heard it before! The evening will begin with Havdalah at 7:00 pm followed by the show, a Costume Parade and a festive array of hamentashen, desserts, fruit and beverages. All welcome!