On February 1st – 2nd – 3rd, we have an exciting opportunity for our congregation. Nathan Schumer and his wife Hillary Schumer have consented to come to Temple Shirat Shalom as scholars in residence. Nathan is a doctoral candidate in Early Jewish History from Columbia University and Hillary has a Master’s Degree in Jewish Education from the Jewish Theological Seminary. His subjects include ‘Early Rabbinic Studies’ and ‘The Parting of the Ways, the Beginnings of Christianity.’ Hillary has a Master’s Degree in Jewish Education from the Jewish Theological Seminary. On Sunday, February 3, our Scholars in Residence will hold an adult education class 10:30-12:00, exact title pending, but save the date! Exact titles and more information will follow. Please check the TSS website for details.
"Judaism, Christianity, and Paganism: The Roots of the Western Religious Tradition."