
29 2014

WFF Leadership Fellows July Program

7:00PM - 9:00PM  

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Contact Judy Diamondstein

WFF Leadership Fellows July Program w/Jonathan Adelman

Professor Jonathan Adelman is a full professor at the Josef Korbel School of International Studies at the University of Denver. He has been made an Honorary Professor at both Peking University and People’s University in Beijing.

Having received four degrees from Columbia University, he has written or edited twelve books. In the last year he has written nine op-eds on the MIddle East, China and Russia, five of which appeared on the CNN.com website (three on Fareed Zakaria’s blog) and the other four on the websites of the Huffington Post, Forbes, UPI and Reuters. In the last two years he has been quoted in The New York Times, The Washington Post and NBC News. He also is working on two books, one of which will be entitled “Crushing the Revolution: The Role of the Military in Revolutionary

Professor Adelman has significant experience with the American government and NGOs. He briefed Condi Rice almost a dozen times on international issues at the White House and State Department. He worked as a Senior Scientist (with clearance) for SAIC on Department of Defense contracts for eight years.  For the State Department Professor Adelman has gone on 19 international speaking tours to everywhere from China, Japan, Russia and India to England, Germany, Turkey and Argentina. He has been a Senior Fellow and now Adjunct at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies in Washington. And he is a regular commentator on the Middle East for the Voice of America,

In Israel Professor Adelman taught at both Hebrew University and the University of Haifa. In the late 1980s he worked for three years with the Israeli Foreign Ministry to organize groups of Chinese princelings to visit Israel as part of a successful plan to gain Chinese diplomatic recognition. He continues to work with the Israeli Foreign Ministry on ways to improve Sino-Israeli relations.

Professor Adelman founded and ran the Israel center in Denver for four years. He wrote a popular book on Israel, The Rise of Israel: A History of a Revolutionary State, for Routledge in London. He has gone on over 350 speaking tours on Israel in the US in the last decade. He has bought land in Kiryat Ata and Hadera. In August he was made an honorary member of AEPi fraternity for his work on Israel. He is a Fellow of the Center for Academic Engagement at the Israel on Campus Coalition.

He has also visited Russia and China almost two dozen times. Professor Adelman has given talks at universities ranging from Harvard, Columbia, Berkeley and Cambridge to the Air War College.