Congregation Beth Avraham

1424 Frost Hollow Road
Easton, PA 18040

Rabbi Yitzchok Yagod
P: 610-905-2166


Beth Avraham is a modern orthodox synagogue that combines traditional services with a very informal, easygoing atmosphere and small-town friendliness. We regularly combine Ashkenazi and Sephardi minhagim, and our congregants come from every part of the globe.

If you are Sephardi, Ashkenazi, Mizrachi, Bukharian, Syrian, or from any other tradition, and you want to lead a service according to your customs, we would be happy to have you!

No one is ever made to feel unwelcome, and a position on the board is always reserved for a young congregant. The congregation is growing, new people are joining -- come see what all the excitement is about!


The shul started out as Congregation Agudath Achim in late 1920 in the crowded back of David Millers' furniture store. On January 31, 1921, the certification of corporation was issued and it started to take off. For the next 45 years, it was a vibrant synagogue that offered the only Orthodox services in town to the Jewish residents of South Side Bethlehem on 437 Webster Street on the beginning of the South Mountain. In May 1965, it moved to the borough of Edgeboro which then became a part of Bethlehem. The building still has its original woodwork.

By the early '70s Bethlehem Steel and the congregation started to dwindle, and by 1977 there was no rabbi and the synagogue had declined. For about two decades, it was considered a closed facility. Preparations were made to dispose of the assets and it seemed that all was lost. Then, in September of 2003, Bob Trotner hired the shul's first rabbi in 25 years. By Passover 2004, there were several congregants consisting of mostly children, teens and young adults.

That Passover, the congregation was renamed Beth Avraham after its first rabbi, Rabbi Avraham Mowitz, who served this wonderful Synagogue with distinction for 30 years.

Today, the community is located near the Delaware River in Easton, PA, and led by Rabbi Yitzchok Yagod.


Top Five Reasons You Should Give Beth Avraham a Try:

1.  We welcome all new members, and money is never a barrier to joining the synagogue!

2.  We maintain an informal and non-judgmental atmosphere, and there is no dress code. We strive for all Jews to feel embraced and valued in our shul irrespective of background, knowledge, or observance level.

3.  Inspiration! We teach an authentic Torah message that enriches the lives and relationships of our community members. Davening is engaging and meaningful, yet lively and easy to follow.

4.  Intellectual growth! We speak of the great ideas, not of people.

5.  Small-town friendliness in a cozy, homey ("haimish") environment.


Shabbat services schedule per shul website:


Classes/shiurim: Sunday through Thursday, 8:15pm-8:45pm
- Sunday: Mishnah
- Monday: Avodah Zara 
- Tuesday: Parshas HaShavua (weekly Torah portion)
- Wednesday: Halachot of Shabbat (rules of Shabbat)
- Thursday: Highlights of Daf Yomi (Talmud)

Contact Rabbi Yitzchok Yagod at if you are interested in joining the shiur.


Contact Rabbi Yitzchok Yagod at 610-905-2166 or