By Jim Mueth
JFLV Director of Planned Giving & Endowments
Thanks to the dedication of our community partners, we are proud to announce that the Lehigh Valley has already exceeded its Year 1 goal of securing 180 commitments through the LIFE & LEGACY program. Year 1 ends April 30.
LIFE & LEGACY is a four-year partnership program between the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley and the Harold Grinspoon Foundation to secure legacy gifts and support the future of the Lehigh Valley Jewish community.
Ten local organizations are participating: Jewish Community Center, Jewish Day School, Jewish Family Service, Jewish Federation, Congregation Am Haskalah, Congregation Brith Sholom, Congregation Keneseth Israel, Congregation Sons of Israel, Temple Beth El and Temple Covenant of Peace.
Eight of the 10 partners have already met or exceeded their own personal goals of 18 commitments in the first year, and will receive grants from the Grinspoon Foundation to further their efforts.
To learn more about ways that you can remember the Lehigh Valley Jewish community in your will, trust, retirement
account or life insurance policy, contact any of the participating organizations.
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