By Amy Golding
Jewish Day School
The mitzvah of supporting a Jewish school can take many forms: tzedakah, volunteering, attending school events and helping families learn about the Jewish Day School of the Lehigh Valley. All of these mitzvot are special. They make the education of our children possible, and they model the performance of good deeds in ways that we hope will shape our children’s values throughout their lives.
It is said that the students’ good deeds reflect back on the school’s supporters for all eternity. We are fortunate that our community has so many people who support our school and set examples that will inspire our students and our future generations. It is in this spirit that the JDS will celebrate its 65th anniversary and honor Eva and Larry Levitt for the many ways they support the JDS. Please join us on Saturday, Dec. 1, 2018.
The JDS Gala is the school’s biggest fundraising event of the year, raising close to a quarter of a million dollars. It is only through the community’s generous support that this is possible. Tickets to the gala and donations to our annual campaign support the JDS’s stellar academic programs and helps make an inclusive Jewish education accessible to every child in our community.
This year, we are excited to announce a new opportunity to make your gift even more powerful. A generous donor has stepped forward and offered to match all donations above the cost of a ticket, dollar for dollar. If you have never given before, your whole gift will be doubled. If you have previously donated, any increase over last year’s gift will be doubled! This is an amazing opportunity to support the JDS and to build for the next 65 years. Act now to help support something powerful.
Call the JDS at 610-437-0721 or email Gala Chair Jessica Cooperman at cooperman@muhlenberg.edu to learn more.