On the Same Page Book Club to hold last meeting of the year

All are invited to the On the Same Page Book Club, which reads books and joins in virtual dialogue with a group from the Lehigh Valley’s Partnership2Gether community in Yoav, Israel.
The last meeting of the year will take place virtually via Zoom on Sunday, Dec. 27, from 2 to 3:30 p.m. They will be a discussing a short story by Dara Horn entitled “Shtetl World.” (Read it at www.commentarymagazine.com/articles/horn-dara/shtetl-world)

Further information will be sent to participants in advance of the meeting on the discussion themes of “the American Jewish fascination with Fiddler and all other Teviahs” and “searching for authenticity in all the right places.”

To register, click here or e-mail mailbox@jflv.org.