By Stephanie Smartschan
JFLV Director of Marketing
The community will come together on Jan. 27, 2019, as we launch the new year for a day of mitzvot and money-raising in support of Jews and others in need right here at home and all around the world.
There will be more ways than ever for volunteers to seek support for the Annual Campaign for Jewish Needs this year. In addition to two calling shifts, which will take place from 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 5:30 to 8 p.m. at the JCC, volunteers and Federation staff will utilize e-mail and social media to get the word out about the work of the campaign.
“We realize that in this day and age, many people are cautious about answering their phones, especially from unknown numbers,” said Aaron Gorodzinsky, director of outreach and community relations for the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley. “We also realize that many people do want to be given the opportunity to donate. So we are going to add on new and exciting ways to give them that opportunity.”
Super Sunday, this year chaired by Dana Cohen and Naomi Schachter, is the Federation’s largest single day of fundraising throughout the year. The funds raised help feed the hungry, care for the elderly and encourage Jewish life and learning in the Lehigh Valley, in Israel and in 70 worldwide countries.
In addition to a fundraising day, Super Sunday is also a day to perform mitzvot in our community. The Federation will partner with Jewish Family Service once again to provide warm kosher meals for older adults, delivered right to their door, with Beth Kushnick serving as chair.
Volunteers will converge in the JCC kitchen beginning at 11:30 a.m. to prepare the meals. More volunteers will arrive at 2 p.m. for packaging and delivery.
“Our clients so appreciated the delicious homemade meals last year, that we knew we had to do it again,” said Carol Wilson, clinical coordinator of older adult services for Jewish Family Service.
This year’s PJ Library program, also in partnership with Jewish Family Service and beginning at 10:30 a.m., will serve as a kick-off to February’s Jewish Disability Awareness & Inclusion Month. PJ kids will join with students from the Parkland High School Junior NAD club for the deaf and hard of hearing to learn some sign language to accompany the PJ story “The Mitten String.” There will be snacks, crafts and free T-shirts for the first 50 kids.
To learn more about Super Sunday or sign-up to volunteer or attend the PJ Library program, visit www.jewishlehighvalley.org/supersunday.