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Federations' Lions of Judah Honor Israel First Lady Michal Herzog

On Sunday evening, Michal Herzog, the First Lady of the State of Israel, received the Ruth Bader Ginsberg Award at the Jewish Federations’ International Lions of Judah Conference (ILOJC) in Atlanta, Georgia, for her tireless work in exposing the systematic sexual crimes perpetrated by Hama…

Federations applaud House passage of ICC Sanctions bill

Jewish Federations applauded the US House on Thursday for overwhelmingly passing the Illegitimate Court Counteraction Act – also known as the International Criminal Court (ICC) sanction bill – to push back against the ICC’s historically unjust and misguided persecution of Israel as it …

Sending letters of support to victims of New Orleans terror attack

Send Notes of Comfort and Community to the Jewish and Israeli Victims of the New Orleans Attack

Jewish Federations are praying for the victims of the New Years Day terrorist attack in New Orleans. The Jewish Federation of Greater New Orleans has worked to help support the two Israeli vict…

Statement on Final Morningstar Anti-Israel Bias Report

The coalition of organizations that has worked to remove anti-Israel bias from Morningstar’s Sustainalytics ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) ratings – Jewish Federations of North America, The Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law, AJC, ADL and JLens – welcome t…

Jewish Federations Release Statement on New Orleans Terrorist Attack

Jewish Federations of North America are horrified at the targeted terrorist attack on New Year’s Day in New Orleans that killed at least 10 people and injured at least 35, including two Israeli nationals. We mourn for the lost and pray for the full and speedy recovery of the injured. 
