From the Desk of Jeri Zimmerman

The monthly column of Jeri Zimmerman, executive director of the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley

Welcoming 2025

As we step into 2025, we are greeted by the promise of new beginnings and fresh starts. It’s a time for reflection, a moment to look inward, and a chance to recommit to improving both our personal lives and our community.

In an insightful article, Rabbi Jonathan Sacks z”l he shared life…

Shine a Light!

Chanukah commemorates a pivotal moment in Jewish history—a victory over those who sought to wipe us out. It is a celebration of light triumphing over darkness. The Chanukah story reminds us that just as our ancestors overcame oppression, we too can emerge victorious. With each of the eight…

Giving thanks during difficult times

As Thanksgiving approaches and we near the end of the year, I find myself reflecting on the importance of cultivating an appreciative mindset. This past year has been marked by significant challenges, particularly since October 7, with the harrowing plight of our 101 hostages and a troubling…

Days of Awe 5785

October 7 has indelibly left its mark in our memories and in our hearts. We remember where we were, what we were doing, and the overwhelming sense of horror and loss on what should have been a day of celebration and joy, Simchat Torah. The tragic loss of so many Israeli lives, the hostages t…

A New Year of hope

As summer comes to an end, it’s bittersweet to see it go, but the excitement of a new year brings with it hopes and possibilities. Here at the Jewish Federation, we’ve been diligently planning for the upcoming program year—scheduling committee meetings, preparing events, launching new …