From the Desk of Jeri Zimmerman

The monthly column of Jeri Zimmerman, executive director of the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley

Israel in our hearts

Having just finished retelling the story of our deliverance from slavery in Egypt and our wandering in the wilderness, we end our seder with the saying “Next Year in Jerusalem.” We say this just before we prepare for the next holiday “season,” a period of time beginning with Yom HaSh…

Passover 5781

What makes this year different from all other years? Well again, everything. 

Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, z”l, in his commentary of the Haggadah, talks about the Jewish people’s responsibility to have compassion for the weak and vulnerable: “You shall love the stranger, because you know wh…

A summer to remember

It’s that time of year! Not a moment too soon to be thinking about transformative summer experiences. We are optimistic and hopeful that this summer’s plans will not be disrupted as they were last summer by COVID-19.

The positive impact of a summer at Jewish camp isn’t limited to a si…

Welcome, 2021!

As I looked back on my column for the pre-pandemic New Year, 2020, it was filled with the promise of fresh starts and new beginnings. Little did we know or anticipate the serious affront we would face with regard to our health and wellbeing. In the face of the COVID-19 breakout, people are f…

Miracles and light

“Miracles sometimes occur, but one has to work terribly hard for them,” — Dr. Chaim Weizmann, Israel’s first President and Founder, Weizmann Institute.

This year has brought a lot of darkness, uncertainty and suffering. But what if we each took a moment to remind ourselves of the li…