Community News

Yom HaShoah and the life lessons of Eva Levitt z"l

By Carl Zebrowski

“World War II and the Shoah ended 79 years ago,” Shari Spark, director of the Holocaust Resource Center and organizer of the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley’s 2024 Yom HaShoah commemoration, told the audience in the JCC at the evening commemoration on M…

Packed house at TBE celebrates 'Evitchka' book release

By Carl Zebrowski

You could judge from the crowd at Temple Beth El on the morning of Yom HaShoah the esteem the Lehigh Valley Jewish community has for Larry and Eva z”l Levitt. All these people had turned out to celebrate the release of the book that tells Eva’s story of Holocaus…

Federation names its annual award winners

By Carl Zebrowski

The Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley has announced the winners of its 2023-24 awards and will present them at its community celebration and annual meeting in the JCC Kline Auditorium on Thursday, June 6.

Everyone is invited to attend to celebrate these winner…

Longtime KYW reporter gives advice for sussing out wartime truth

By Carl Zebrowski

Hadas Kuznits was an inspired choice to address the Lehigh Valley Jewish community about two important problems today’s Jewish communities are facing: coping with and fighting against antisemitism and evaluating the accuracy of news stories related to the war in I…

Social media influencer speaks to Women's Philanthropy

By Charlene Riegger
Director of Marketing

Amy Albertson, an Asian American Jewish social media influencer with over 35,000 followers on Instagram (@theamyalbertson), spoke to the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley’s Women’s Philanthropy Dollar-a-Day Spring Event on May 9.

The event…