Community News

Super Sunday Reach Spans Babies to Bubbies

By Stephanie Smartschan
Director of Marketing

With the morning calling shift underway, volunteers from across the Lehigh Valley filled the JCC auditorium. With cell phones in hand and pledge cards in front of them, they worked diligently to reach out to potential donors and ask for their su…

Camp Experiences Run Deep as Summer Preparations Begin

By Julie Taffet
JFLV Marketing Intern

Despite the lingering extra-cold temperatures, Lehigh Valley families are looking ahead to summer camp. Here, several people reflect on their own camp experiences, even as some prepare their children’s summer plans.

Mickey Freeman

Mickey Freeman is …

Purim Celebrations Planned in the Valley

The festive holiday of Purim begins on March 4 this year and some of the Lehigh Valley Jewish organizations already have plans afoot.

The Jewish Day School reports that Purim is “joyfully celebrated” with the children getting into a festive outlook with Spirit Week leading up to the hol…

Sam Glaser Concert to Benefit Struggling Jewish Families

Lehigh Valley Jewish organizations are set to collectively sponsor a concert featuring world-renowned Jewish musician Sam Glaser. The concert is the culmination of ONE HAND, ONE HEART: Supporting Struggling Jewish Families, a community-wide tzedakah project. Lehigh Valley synagogues, Jewish …

Jewish Community Responds to Events in France

By Jennifer Lader
Editor, HAKOL

On Jan. 9, extremist Muslim gunmen took hostages in a Paris kosher food market, killing four. Days earlier, Islamic militants stormed the Paris offices of Charlie Hebdo, a controversial publication, killing 12. These tragedies followed on years of sporadic vi…